HOME Insurance


Most insurance carriers will offer standard and preferred  homeowners insurance, and most customers can secure homeowners insurance at a good rate. Policies that the majority of insurers write are designed for most types of homes. 


There are also homeowners insurance carriers that specialize higher value properties, $5,000,000+ These policies will offer unique types of coverage designed for the needs of high net worth customers.


Other carriers specialize in insuring less common property types. Homes with a different construction type, foundations, or roofs, etc. may need coverage from one of these specialty carriers.


Customers with claims history or with homes that may have structural or maintenance issues may need to secure coverage with a non-standard carrier.


Alta Insurance Brokers represents several top rated homeowners insurance carriers. You can call us for a premium quotation or use the online quotation tool above. Either way, we will strive to secure the best possible terms for your homeowners insurance.


If you have any questions about homeowners insurance, we would be happy to discuss them with you with absolutely no sales pressure or obligation.

Call Clay at 425-583-7999, or Logan at 425-583-7119

or Email CBrowse@AltaInsuranceBrokers.com     


We look forward to helping you with any homeowners insurance needs you may have!